The Lonely Workshop Project


The Lonely Workshop Project


A few of the workshops on The Skillful Teacher website are lonely. Even though these courses seem like they should be interesting and useful, few people have taken them. We’d like to know why.

So… here is your chance to try these lonely workshops and provide feedback in a Zoom session where we’ll discuss the workshop’s ideas and figure out what could be done to get these lonely workshops some friends. You’ll get a certificate just like always.

The best news is that these lonely workshops are half-price: just $5.

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Because your feedback on lonely workshops is important, there are some rules attached to getting a certificate for these. Here are important details and the rules:

A new Lonely Workshop is offered about 1 every 3 months, on the 15th day of the month.

  • Each Lonely Workshop costs $5.

  • Once a Lonely Workshop is offered, participant have two weeks to complete it.

  • At the end of the two weeks, participants attend a Zoom conversation to talk over the Lonely Workshop together. These Zoom sessions are held starting at 6 pm Pacific time (8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern) on the first day of the month following the Lonely Workshop offering. (So a Lonely Workshop offered starting on March 15 will be discussed at a Zoom session on April 1.)

  • The Lonely Workshop link expires after this Zoom conversation; the workshop is still available in the regular workshop listings at the regular price.

  • To earn a certificate, participants must attend the Zoom session.

  • Participants can skip the Zoom session and still get certificate with a written reflection, but must pay the remaining $5 first.